

This program is run off the internet in a Web Browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or similar program. Your computer may need a few adjustments to make best use of the program.

Adobe Flash Plugin

In order to run the program, you may need to install the Adobe Flash plugin for your web browser. When you start the program, it will automatically check to see if you already have the plugin, and will prompt you to install it if you do not.

See How To Install Adobe Flash for detailed instructions, or visit

Screen Resolution

You may want check that your screen resolution is high enough to get good use of the program. To check your screen resolution, right click on your windows desktop (on the background, not in any window).

the display properties menu

Select the properties item at the bottom. A Display Properties box should appear.

the display properties box

From here, select the Settings tab.

(Alternatively, you can click on your Start button, choose Control Panel then choose Appearance and Themes then choose Change the Screen Resolution.)

setting your screen resolution

Using the Screen Resolution slider bar, choose the highest resolution. You would like to have at least 1024x768. Then click Apply. If the changes are satisfactory, click on OK

Maximizing Your Web Browser

You can make your Web Browser window full size by clicking on the middle box in the upper right hand corner of the window.

click here to maximize the window

You can de-maximize the window by clicking the same spot again.

click here to restore your window size.

Logging in

To go to the program, click on the following link:

logging in

To access the program and your data you will need to enter your user name and password. Then click on the Login button. The program will start.

Importing Birds from the Loft Manager program

If you have the original Loft Manager program, LoftManager Online can import the data from the original program by using the Import BIRDS.DB function on the Main tab. See Importing BIRDS.DB

Printing (Obsolete)

First click on File then Page Setup. You will see a Header and Footer. Delete any letters or characters on those 2 lines. Below that you will see Margins. Set each of the margins so they are no larger than 0.5 inches, that will make for a nice clean pedigree printout. This will not affect any other printing from other non-internet programs.